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Meet Dr Pamela Ellis

Dr. Pamela Ellis, The Education Doctor®, award-winning educator and best-selling author of What to Know Before They Go, has visited 500+ campuses to help teens find a college that feels like home and partner with parents to avoid overpaying.

After earning her BA degree at Stanford, she earned her MBA at Dartmouth, then received her PhD from the Stanford School of Education.

Over the past 5 years, 95% of her students have been admitted to their top choice colleges and recevied an average of $75,000 in scholarships.

We partner with organizations that are invested in supporting their teams while also making a positive impact in a rapidly changing world.

Compass Education Strategies collaborates with teams and organizations to help students thrive today — and into the future.

Pamela is available as a keynote speaker on the following topics:

  • Don’t Let the Sticker Price Fool Ya’: What Parents Must Know About Paying for College
  • How to Find the Right College
  • BEFORE They Go: A Black Mom’s College Prep Toolkit in the Wake of Rona and Race in the US
  • 5 Key Lessons from Marathon Training to Rock High School
  • Keep C.A.L.M. (College and Accelerated Leadership Mindset)
  • Delegate or Die: 5 Keys for Women Leaders to Shift From Stifled to Successful
  • Don’t Hustle, Seek Harmony: 5 Keys for Women Leaders to Honors Their Best Self

Bring Dr. Pamela To Your Organization

For groups large or small, Dr. Pamela can offer insight, professional recommendations and support on higher education.

I’ve been in education long enough to know that it can fuel or fizzle a spirit that wants to go to college to create a fulfilling career and life. I can also empathize with teachers, administrators and college admissions offices doing the best they can to help students succeed today.

Whether your group is large or small, from schools to churches to non-profits to conferences, I can speak to the concerns and goals of your audience.

Submit an Inquiry

Complete this form to request to have Pamela speak at your next event.